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5 simple yoga exercises to open your chest

5 simple yoga exercises to open your chest

5 simple yoga exercises to open your chest

Exercises for opening the chest and shoulders are incorporated into the practice of asanas of varied degrees of intricacy. There are a variety of reasons why this block is essential. First off, practicing yoga for thoracic opening assists in addressing the issues that a modern, sedentary individual has.

This way of living causes bad posture, musculoskeletal disorders, metabolic slowdown, and the emergence of cardiovascular problems. A rounded spine causes flat feet, while a squeezed chest causes internal organ distortion and muscular atrophy over time.

Second, in addition to physical body troubles, sluggish processes in the thoracic region and spine impede the prana's free passage and cause problems with the way energy centers function. Tightness in the chest, shoulders, and neck has the greatest negative impact on the Anahata and Vishuddha chakras. This may result in a shift in perspective on life, altered behavior, and a failure to realize the potential there at birth.

Asanas for opening the thoracic region: where to start?

Yoga poses that open the chest also strengthen the neck and shoulder muscles while working the thoracic spine and the intercostal area. There are a variety of poses with varying degrees of difficulty for opening the chest. It is advised that beginners and individuals with limitations execute a milder version of these exercises. You can do this to grow in your practice, enhance your health, and alter the body's energy flow.

5 simple yoga exercises to open your chest

When practicing exercises to open your chest and shoulders, what should you pay attention to?

  • If degenerative changes in the musculoskeletal system (arthrosis, osteochondrosis, hernias, protrusions) are diagnosed, the load must be selected individually.
  • Use caution when performing exercises to open the thoracic region in case of chronic diseases of the internal organs.
  • For injuries to the shoulders, spine, and neck, a lighter version of asanas is recommended.
  • Although hypertension is not a direct contraindication, you need to monitor your well-being and prevent pressure surges.
  • Asanas on the stomach are contraindicated during pregnancy.

Let's look at the five main yoga asanas for opening the thoracic spine.

Five exercises to open your chest

One of the most important yoga asanas, bhajan asana (Cobra Pose), not only has a positive impact on the chest and shoulders. It increases the function of the gastrointestinal tract and restores normal kidney and thyroid function when carried out frequently. The fact that the asana has a simpler variation called Ardha Bhujangasana (Sphinx Pose) is another benefit. Therefore, Bhujangasana can provide benefits to practitioners of any degree.

5 simple yoga exercises to open your chest

The Hatha Yoga Pradipika made reference to Dhanurasana (Bow Pose), and its frequent use in complexes with various levels of complexity is evidence of its efficacy. Regular Dhanurasana practice increases the flexibility of the spine, the range of motion in the shoulder joints, the strength of the back, leg, and buttock muscles, and the efficiency of the internal organs.

The traditional asana known as Pisces Pose (Matsyasana) also has two benefits. Fish Pose is utilized as compensation after inverted asanas to help relieve the strain on the cervical spine in addition to expanding the thoracic region and working with the spine. There are numerous ways to do Matsiasana: basic positions are simple for beginners to do, while more difficult poses are best for seasoned practitioners.

The Wheel Pose, also known as Chakrasana, is a powerful posture corrector that also expands the chest and shoulders. You may strengthen your core, gluteal muscles, arms, and legs by doing Chakrasana, which also has a significant amount of strength potential. For beginners or those with contraindications, Wheel Pose could be challenging. Half Bridge (Setu Bandhasana), an easier option, is available for them.

Ushtrasana (Camel Pose): Effectively impacts the thoracic region, opens the shoulders, and improves the spine. Your neck muscles get stronger as a result of having to hold your head upright. You can perform a milder variation by raising your hands above your buttocks if you suffer from lower back pain or limits.

We have thus examined the top five yoga asanas for the thoracic area from the "golden fund" of yoga. These are fundamentally deflections, and they are also rather substantial ones. Thus, compensation should be done to lessen the strain on the spine once each of these asanas is completed.

The chakras that are opened when practicing these asanas—Vishuddha, Anahata, or Manipura—should be your focus if you want to feel an energetic influence. Your asana practice will take on a deeper significance when you work with the chakras, and you'll gain a new perspective on hatha yoga practice as a result.

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