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Using cold water to rinse off: specifics and subtleties

Using cold water to rinse off: specifics and subtleties

Someone has a spasm somewhere in the solar plexus at the mere thought of this treatment. And dousing has long been a practical practice for some. According to ancient traditions, joy is honey, which transforms into nectar, and austerity is poison, which transforms into nectar. The poison itself, which is initially unpleasant to humans but later turns into nectar, should be doused with water. Let's try to determine the value of this method for us and whether practicing water dousing is worthwhile.

Using cold water to rinse off: specifics and subtleties

What is the purpose of watering down everything?

One of the simplest ways to heal is to harden by dousing in cold water. We don't require any particular physical preparation for this or unique circumstances. All you require is a cold water bucket or a shower. Legendary scientists like Hippocrates, Avicenna, and Democritus discussed the advantages of pouring hardening in their writings. Is it actually useful?

I. A. Arshavsky, a renowned Russian physiologist and scientist, claims that mild stressors, particularly variations in temperature, are good for people's health. Thus, according to Arshavsky's findings, a baby may adapt well to temperature variations. The scientist uses the moment of birth as an illustration. In the womb, the temperature ranges between 37 degrees, and once the baby is born, he or she is exposed to an environment with a temperature of 20 to 22 degrees. This mechanism was therefore created by nature.

Using cold water to rinse off: specifics and subtleties

It's crucial to remember that, from a scientific standpoint, the healing effect only happens when there is a sudden drop in temperature. But he added that this effect should pass quickly. He, therefore, believes that a sudden, but brief, change in temperature stimulates the immune system and neurological system. Arshavsky claims that the impact shouldn't last longer than two minutes. Although hypothermia does not develop during this period, the immunological and neurological systems are activated.

V. Zhuk, the most renowned physician in the Russian Empire, gave some insightful views. He makes reference to a zemstvo doctor's observations in his book "Mother and Child." According to him, warm water baptism causes children to grow and develop in a lot more discordant manner than cold water baptism does. In other words, even after just one practice of hardening the child, the therapeutic impact is seen. Therefore, according to this Zemstvo physician, hematopoiesis, immunity, and metabolism all improve. In contrast, he noticed that baptizing infants in warm water actually caused them more agony. Ironically, because the processes of thermoregulation did not begin in the body, they froze more in it. Diseases are then brought on by the inability to control body temperature.

Similar ideas are also expressed by B.S. Tolkachev, a Russian researcher, in his book "The physical culture barrier of acute respiratory infections." He insisted that neither the hot water's low temperature nor the length of a bath may cause a cold. Because the body of the child naturally begins the process of thermoregulation. Tolkachev claims that the purpose behind hardening is that colder water is healthier. Tolkachev advises physical preparation activities prior to dousing, and the dousing itself advises beginning with the legs.

M. Trunov and L. Kitaev, researchers, wrote "Ecology of Infancy" in their book. Even for babies, the first year "recommends cold douches. The authors claim that a child who learns to harden from the very beginning stops freezing, and has a healthy appetite, and an active metabolism.

Dousing, therefore, helps to activate the immunological, circulatory, neurological, and hormonal systems. Our bodies respond to a sudden drop in temperature as a natural stressor by mobilizing their defense mechanisms. You shouldn't be terrified of the word "stress" in this situation because our bodies are built to withstand it and that's when all of our systems start to work more actively. In actuality, stress comes from any kind of exercise. As a result of their destruction during loading and subsequent growth, muscles develop. Here, we might also think of Porfiry Ivanov's three well-known health conditions: hunger, cold, and exercise. Porfiry Ivanov was noted for his experiments on health-related issues.

Using cold water to rinse off: specifics and subtleties

How should I take my morning shower?

So how do you put this practice into practice right away? It is ideal to carry out this action as soon as you awaken in the morning. You shouldn't put your head under the soul if we're talking about it. In order to help the body adjust to stress, we begin by applying cold water to the lower back, the navel area, and the stomach. You can start directing the water to the shoulders after 20 to 30 seconds, and only then to the head. We cover ourselves in cold water for a minute, switch to hot water suddenly (within reason; burns will not improve our health), and then switch back to cold water.

We perform a minimum of three of these cycles, while more is generally better. The most important thing is to constantly adjust the water's temperature; less is insufficient and more is useless. You will experience the effects of sudden temperature fluctuations on your own immune system, metabolism, and hormone release. Following this process, there will be a condition of clarity of consciousness, vivacity, vigor, and joy. Additionally, there won't be any sicknesses or extremely difficult times in life. The most important thing in this situation is to create a habit and to do so, you just need to repeat the action for 21 days in a row.

Using cold water to rinse off: specifics and subtleties

Using cold water to rinse: contraindications

Fanaticism is the first contraindication. Any practice is contraindicated in this situation. After learning about the advantages of dousing, you might start doing it right away with water that is almost freezing, but this is not the ideal course of action. Naturally, the catastrophe won't take place. Dousing has an effect on energy as well as the physical body, and this is crucial to comprehend. Stress has an effect on our energy body as well, and it considerably boosts the body's energy flow. What is going on? scrubbing procedure!

A cold is a purifying experience. A runny nose and other similar symptoms result from the body using its reserve energy stores as a result of hypothermia, which also triggers the purifying process. Here, the question is not so much what is feasible as it is if you and your body are prepared for the cleansing procedure. A hardening process that begins too quickly can trigger potent purifying operations. Here, you should be mindful of your food. If the "everything is useful that got into your mouth" maxim holds true, the cleansing process may be overly turbulent and unpleasant, or it may result in a cold.

It's important to remember that hardening can occur in both warm and cold environments. Naturopathic doctors advise starting with hardening, strangely, with hot water (if it is still too difficult physically and psychologically). proceed to the contrast shower just after that. By the way, a contrast shower, which involves a swift switch between hot and cold water, is more beneficial for hardening; however, we'll cover this in more detail later.

An illness already present may also be a contraindication. Again, if you start pouring water while you have a cold, nothing tragic will happen. Just be aware that a runny nose, which is a cleansing procedure, can intensify, meaning that the cleansing process is additionally engaged. Are you prepared to do this? Your choice.

Using cold water to rinse off: specifics and subtleties

Winter pouring: subtleties and intricacies

Dousing in the winter is a topic that is frequently questioned. This process hurts less in the summer than it does in the winter, although the discomfort may be felt more in the mind than in the body. There is a worry of falling ill, getting the flu, etc. However, as was already stated, cold is simply a cleansing process, and generally speaking, one of the goals of dousing is to initiate cleansing procedures in the body. If you're not yet ready, it can be worth it to forgo dousing during the winter months or to lessen the contrast between temperatures, alternate between not too hot and not too cold water.

Additionally, it is advised against going outside right away after dousing. But the body has to be cleansed, therefore this is actually pretty true. Temperature changes are not bad for him (within reason) if the body has already been cleansed.

Using cold water to rinse off: specifics and subtleties

Drenching the feet in chilly water

This is a trial run of the cold water dousing technique. You can start pouring cold water on your feet if your body or psyche—often the latter—is not yet prepared for such stress. Additionally, it will benefit how the body is feeling.

Walking barefoot in the snow will roughly have the same effect. The immune system is stimulated, metabolism is improved, blood circulation and lymph flow are stimulated, and so on. And, of course, the beginning of the body's cleansing operations. But at this early stage, kindly avoid fanaticism.

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